what's the news lately? things.
friday: it was nice and chilly out. richie and i went for a nature walk near his house. i did several last hours of studying for my mtel, which was saturday morning...and in the meantime i won two tickets to a muse and silversun pickups show so i was really excited about that!

saturday turned out to be a beautiful day so after my morning exam i had time to enjoy the sunshine. i took jesse as my sidekick to muse and we tagged along with richie and his friend mike who had previously bought tickets....suckahs.

at the show..3 towers, eyeballoon.
the great streak of weather continued...sunday morning i asked hanna to go for a walk on plymouth beach with me and the dogs.

they loved it!
after the beach hanna and i went to lunch at water street and walked downtown. we gave rosie a bath...she smells like a little baby dog. at night i went to richie's for jesse's birthday dinner and we watched the academy awards...
yesterday richie and i hung outside mostly. got charlie off the bus and drove him to a friend's house. richie told me about a mansion so we went to find it and found a lovely water area as well!

we made our way back to life. and then went to norwood with bruso. the end.