Monday, May 4, 2009

the best things in life are truly free

today on the way to school i saw a bunch of old window frames and shutters on the side of the road with a free sign in front of them. for some reason i wanted nothing more than the window frames. old, paint peeling, white, square window frames. so on the way home i wanted to get a closer look and maybe snag them. as i'm rounding the turn in kingston all i could think of was i hope these frames are still there! and wa la! they are! along with a lot more stuff minus the shutters but plus a bike. so i pulled over and parked in their driveway and immediately started shoving the bike into my car. then i looked at the frames and didn't want them anymore. so i walked away with a new bike...for free. and some internal happiness.


  1. That guy probably came back and thought "Hey! Where the hell's my bike?"

  2. Watch out Lance, Maddie is on the way.
