Wednesday, April 1, 2009

robby and juliaaaa ha ha

you know..i haven't done much of anything today. possibly moping around. i'm not really sure though cuz i haven't really moved around. just one of those days.

watched that movie...pretty awesome. definately a bomb soundtrack. and makes me love adam sandler.

fingernail progress is pretty good...i haven't been biting them...but i do find myself chewing on them without actually biting them...which is basically the same thing.

i was talking today about how much i love cottage cheese. and how much most people don't. it kinda makes me sad, i have no one to share that love with. grapes are also good.

i updated my movie links and music links. i think they are a lot more entertaining now! so if you're bored be sure to check those out!


  1. Cottage cheese can S my D. I stole some of your pics for Buff Chick (Rachel and Ryan/Robert Pattinson), except you can click on my Rachel and Ryan and watch the clip. So suck it...hard. See you tomorrow for Taco Night!
